Friday, August 29, 2008

Time and Attention

Granting you time is not a chore for Me. You do not have to capture My attention to turn Me from other things. When you want to be with Me, I am not distracted, you are not competing with the baseball game or the telephone or others you believe I think are more important. You have My full attention - always. I am ever watching you intently, even aware of when you begin to turn your thoughts toward Me and to breathe My name.

Neither do you need to work at getting my attention. There are no prescribed prayers, counting of words, or anything else you feel you must do to capture my attention. You already have it. I watch you intently, all the time. When you head for your prayer closet, my heart is already leaping, and I am saying, "oh boy!!!" You don't need to shout to let me know you are here!

Just quietly come. I am already waiting for you, loving you.